Managing Editor
Olga Fedotova
Phone: +7 (495) 121-06-00, ext. 63-05
How to make a request to the FSBI ‘SCEEMP’ of the Ministry of Health of Russia
Requests are only accepted from the mass media.
A request addressed to the Managing Editor should be written on the official letterhead paper and have the signature of the media senior manager (e.g., editor-in-chief, departmental editor).
Specify the subject of the request, provide links to the information sources on the subject of the request (media, news agencies, authorised representatives of public organisations, non-governmental organisations, etc.). Formulate your question and provide contacts of the editorial office and the correspondent. Email the request to:
The FSBI ‘SCEEMP’ of the Ministry of Health of Russia provides responses to requests within 7 days, in written and oral forms (in accordance with Art.40 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation ‘On the Mass Media’).