Medical Technology Transfer Centre

The Medical Technologies Transfer Centre was established in accordance with Order No. 40 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 28 January 2022 ‘On the Medical Technology Transfer Centre’ for the implementation of the Federal Project ‘Medical Science for Human’.

Medical Technologies Transfer Centre is oriented on the working in “one window” mode and can be included at each technology transfer stage, either in order of consultation or in order to fulfill the deficiency of declarer’s competencies, in some cases - the lack of competencies. First of all, MTTS works in the field of intellectual property, medicines pre-clinical and clinical researches and pre-registration preparations of medical devices, industrial partners scouting, commercialization and implementation of the developments into real clinical practice.

Drugs Analysis and Project Management Department

The key objective is assistance in medicines research and development projects at each stage of products implementation into the field of medical and commercial use.

Main goals:

  • Informational and analytical support of medicines research and development projects at the stages of products implementation into the field of medical and commercial use;
  • Formation of recommendations in the area of medicines pre-clinical (non-clinical) and clinical researches, which are aimed to ensure the relevant level of evidence of methods and prevention, diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation ways, in the projects of applied scientific researches topics;
  • Creation and maintenance of registers of promising projects under development, performers of pre-clinical (non-clinical) and clinical researches, manufacturers of medicines and medicinal products;
  • Providing of complex evaluation of developments results, including technology readiness level (TRL).

Head of Department– Pavel Burenkov

Department of Analysis and Project Management for Medical Devices

The key objective is assistance in medical devices and new materials for use in medical devices production research and development projects at all the stages of products implementation into the field of medical and commercial use.

Main goals:

  • Informational and analytical support of medical devices and new materials for use in medical devices production research and development projects at all the stages of products implementation into the field of medical and commercial use;
  • Formation of recommendations in the area of technical tests, toxicological tests and clinical trials of medical devices;
  • Consultations on implementation and wider use of medical devices, new materials used in the production of personalized medical devices, in accordance with existing legal regulation;
  • Creation and maintenance of registers of promising projects under development, manufacturers of medicinal products;
  • Evaluation of expected efficiency and safety of developed products and the economic consequences of their use.
  • Assistance in commercialization of medical devices and new materials, including industrial partners’ scouting.

Head of Department – Roman Gorbunov

Intellectual Property Management Department

The key objective is improving the efficiency of intellectual property (IP) management in organizations working for the interests in the medicine and healthcare.

Main goals:

  • Assistance in identification of and granting of legal protection for results of intellectual activity;
  • Informational and analytical support of IP and means of individualization creation process;
  • Legal assistance in IP protection and IP rights protection;
  • Processes organization and management of IP rights implementation into the civil turnover;
  • Legal assistance in IP and means of individualization implementation into the civil turnover, disposition of rights to them;
  • Development of IP promotion programs and commercialization strategies;
  • IP Risks assessment at all stages of lifecycle.

Head of Department – Iurii Aleksandrov

Project Management Department

The key objective is management of the projects activities and execution of auxiliary functions.

Main goals:

  • Maintenance of projects activities at MTTC;
  • Maintenance of scientific and educational and other events;
  • Legal support of MTTC activities;
  • Development of international partnership within the framework of MTTC activities;
  • Assistance to Russian producers in terms of foreign markets expansion.

Head of Department – Olga Vasilkova




+007 (495) 121-06-00, ext. 6386